Happy 2022! In the spirit of Asian Century Stocks and Edwin Dorsey’s investor resource lists, we’re sharing out our biotech-focused resources that tackle both sci & biz, starting with the most obvious:
The Basic Five
ClinicalTrials.gov - track the status & results of all US clinical trials
BioPharmCatalyst - saves your sanity by tracking company-specific news & readouts; sign up for newsletter. subscription is well worth it.
endpts.com - sign up for every newsletter to know whats up
STAT - health-oriented must-read news
Twitter - wallow in sorrow with the rest of the $XBI/biotwit community
Industry & Sci News
Nature News (Deeper read)
Nature Cancer Immunotherapy (Deeper read)
Lists of Biotechs & Pharma Companies
We built an Excel tracker of virtually every US-listed biotech, complete with financial info, pipeline URLs, and other hotlinks. access the biotech tracker here.
Note: no need to register on Dropbox, just click the ‘X’ when prompted and press download ; do open the file in Excel and not the browser.
The Readout Loud - Weekly Stat News podcast covering industry news
Lab Rats to Unicorns - New Chicago life science startup-focused interview podcast
First Rounders - Nature Biotech's long-running podcast featuring interviews with biotech veterans, founder PIs, and others from across the ecosystem
The Long Run w/ Luke Timmerman - Interview podcast hosted by veteran biopharma reporter; one of our favs
BioCentury This Week - Interviews with KOLs and short-form commentary recaps
The Bio Report - With journalist Daniel Levine on the intersection of biotechnology with business, science, and policy
Benchtop Bios - Sci journalist Neil Canavan interviews execs and experts usually on a specific modality
Biotech 2050 - Like the above but exclusively 1:1 exec interviews
Biotech Clubhouse - Hosted by three biotech industry veterans on Sunday 4p EST
Biotech R&D-focused Blogs
blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/ - Derek Lowe is a veteran pharma researcher and blogger, hosting one of the longest running industry-focused blogs on the web. Deep dives on medicinal chemistry, the biopharma market, the practice of R&D, etc. Deep archives chronicling the history of the space.
practicalfragments.blogspot.com - Niche blog on fragment based drug discovery with regular coverage of publications in the field, new techniques, interesting chemical matter, etc. Edited by Dan Erlanson, VP of Discovery Chem at Frontier Medicines.
wavefunction.fieldofscience.com - Technical and philosophical musings on science, biopharma, drug discovery.
lifescivc.com - Bruce Booth, partner at Atlas Venture, blogs on all facets of early stage biotech; has more of an investing bent to it.
https://bionest.com/blog/ - by Bionest Partners, a lifesci consultancy
10 All-Star Biotech Twitter Ppl To Follow
@MSollender - don’t mess with the corgi
@HealthcareNinj1 - new kid on the block who does the work
@paras_biotech - daily dose of figures, charts, and tables
@PersimmonTI - longer tweet threads covering biotwit favs
@brendan_49 - a breadth of musings across different mcaps
@OxAnalyst - seemingly knows all clinical results at all times
@bradloncar - biotech veteran + $CHNA/$CNCR founder
@adamfeuerstein - what would biotwit be without Adam?
@whatprobability - data sleuth with a sharp eye
@parallaxbio - longform biotech deepdives ;)
6 Drug R&D/Med Chem Twitter Ppl to Follow
@krhornberger - 2021 breakout Drug R&D Tweeter - Keith Hornberger, Senior Director of Med Chem at Arvinas, does extensive tweetorials on drug R&D and pharmacology concepts, useful for better understanding the properties that matter to improve a drug's shot at success.
Places to Find Sci Articles without an academic account
Patent Searches
Industry Data
Biopharmguy - Resource for company data (mostly paywalled)
https://www.baybridgebio.com - Series A/B data (paywalled)
Or follow a bunch of biotwitter folks for a select stream (free)
KOL/Expert Calls
Slingshot Insights - paid calls with doctors/PhDs/experts
China Biotech-Centric Resources
Official WeChat accounts if you read Chinese:
Three China-Biotech ETFs (use these for ideas or to track):
$CHNA: China/HK focused biotech ETF
$CHB: Mainland China focused biotech ETF
HK.3069: HKEX focused biotech ETF
https://biopharmguy.com/links/company-by-location-china.php - Biopharm guy’s list of China biotechs (not comprehensive)
http://www.chinadrugtrials.org.cn/clinicaltrials.searchlist.dhtml - Chinese version of ClinicalTrials.gov
Other Occasional Resources for Scanning:
biotechbros.com - Podcast
https://breakingbiotech.com/ - Youtube
Nice work putting this together! Thank you. Will be reposting on Snippet Finance. Last year I came across this post https://snippet.finance/biotech-guide/ - which has a lot of introductory stuff and a few more things to add to your list.